Transport Wing
Motor Transport Wing, S&GAD – Ensuring Reliable, Secure, and Efficient Mobility!
Motor Transport Wing, S&GAD is responsible to deploy official vehicles with the members of the Provincial Cabinet, Parliamentary Secretaries & Officers of S&GAD as per their entitlement under the relevant rules / policy. Buses / Coasters are also available at the strength of this Wing and are being deployed to provide pick and drop facility to the employees of Punjab Civil Secretariat. Furthermore, bullet proof vehicles are also being deployed to perform protocol duties with the Foreign Delegations / dignitaries / VVIPs during their visit in Lahore for their protection / security. The expenditure of repair / maintenance work and POL of all these official vehicles / bullet proof / luxury vehicles are being made through annual budget of this Wing.
The establishment matters of Garage Supervisors, Senior Drivers, Head Mechanic, Assistant Mechanic, Senior Auto Electrician, Drivers, and Staff Car Cleaners are being dealt by this Wing and Drivers are being also deployed with the members of Provincial Cabinet, Officers of S&GAD as well as to other Administrative Departments according to their sanctioned strength. Moreover, this Wing conducted mandatory promotional training courses through Emergency Services Department (1122), Punjab, which is the apex training services and responsible for imparting quality training to the officers and officials in order to inculcate requisite attitudes, skills and behaviors, which would enable them to deliver public service efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, this Wing also distributed three uniforms (2 summer & 1 winter) annually to the Garage Supervisors, Senior Drivers, Head Mechanic, Assistant Mechanic, Senior Auto Electrician, Drivers, Dispatch Riders and Staff Car Cleaners of S&GAD. The Wing is also providing the facility of coaster / bus to the officials / officers of S&GAD on their marriage ceremonies.
The other core function of this Wing is to retrieve the old model / condemned / unserviceable vehicles from all administrative departments along with its attached departments for further disposal through open auction.
Auction of dead stock / store items: comprising of iron scrap / plastic scrap / used engine oil / old tyres of vehicles / buses was conducted during the last four years (2019-2024) at different times and auction proceeds of Rs.7831302/- was deposited into government treasury.
Auction of old / un-serviceable vehicles: MT Wing, S&GAD retrieved old model vehicles from different departments / attached departments and disposed-of 300 un-serviceable / condemned vehicles through open auction during the financial years 2018-19 to 2023-24 and auction proceeds of Rs. 179,545,000/- was deposited into government treasury.
New Auction of old / Un-serviceable vehicles is scheduled to be held on 15.01.2025 at 35-Lodge Road, Civil Defence Building, Lahore (copy of advertisement as published in daily Express & Dunya Newspapers dated 24th & 25th December, 2024)