- The Admn. and Personnel Wings of S&GAD deal with the establishment matters of PMS Officers (BS-17), Private Secretaries, Superintendent, Personal Assistants, Assistants, Senior Scale Stenographers, Stenographers, Senior Clerks, Junior Clerks and Naib Qasids.
- The recruitment of PMS Officers, Assistants, Stenographers and Junior Clerks are recruited only through PPSC by incorporating all quotas. Accordingly, PPSC, after conducting tests / interview, makes recommendations of suitable candidates for the above said posts. The recruitment of Naib Qasids is made by Departmental Selection Committee in the light of rules / policy.
- The recruitment of drivers is made by the Procurement & Transport (P&T) Wing S&GAD, whereas the recruitment of Class-IV employees which mainly include Chowkidar, Maali, Frash, Security Guard etc. is made by the Welfare Wing S&GAD through Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) in accordance with the prescribed rules / policy.