Government Housing
S&GAD Projects
Estate Office, Welfare Wing, S&GAD deals with the matter of allotments, exchange, retention and ejectment of Government residences at the pool of S&GAD situated in GORs and Government Colonies at Lahore under the Punjab Government Residences Allotment Policy of S&GAD 2024 (amended upto 09.07.2024).
Allotments are made to the three eligible departments i.e. employees on born cadre strength of Services & General Administration Department stationed at Lahore, employees of Lahore High Court, Lahore posted at principal seatand employees of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, Lahore.
It maintains a registration/general waiting list for allotments on first come first serve basis and the same is also updated on the website
A Section Officer/Property Manager (GORs/Colonies) Welfare Wing, S&GAD is ground custodian of respective estate and responsible for possession/vaction of the houses/shopes. He also coordinates with relevant authorities such as WASA, LWMC, PHA, SNGPL, LESCO, and the Police to ensure the provision of public services to residents.
The Estate Office, S&GAD permits both employees and private individuals to hold marriage functions at designated grounds located within GORs and Colonies.
Rent matters are dealt with the Section Officer (Welfare-IV/Rent Controller) Welfare Wing of S&GAD whereas Section Officer (Litigation) & Law Officer, Welfare Wing of S&GAD deal with the ongoing legal disputes regarding the properties, situated at GORs/Colonies.